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Curbside pickup

Shop from the comfort of your car

Select stores and restaurants at the mall now have curbside pickup service available. Easily place an order and use the designated zone at the Havenstraat entrance of the mall for the pick up.
Please contact participating retailers individually to find out about product availability, payment options, and to place an order.

How it works

1. Order
Place an order with your favourite store via one of their contact methods, and arrange the pickup.
2. Pickup
Drive to the curbside pickup location next to the Havenstraat entrance of The Renaissance Mall, and contact your store.
3. Enjoy
Your order will be safely delivered by the store representative.

Participating stores

The Mask

Opening hours

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM
Sun: Closed
May 26th: 10AM - 2PM

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM


Opening hours

Mon - Sat: 6.30AM - 7PM
Sun: 6.30AM - 1PM

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM

Ralph Lauren

Opening hours

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 6PM
Sun: Closed

May 9: 10AM - 2PM

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM

Pretty Ballerinas

Opening hours
Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM

Michael Kors

Opening hours

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM
Sun: Closed

May 9: 10AM - 2PM

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM

Louis Vuitton

Opening hours

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM
Sun: Closed

Apr 1: 10AM - 2PM

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM

Jolie Jewelry

Opening hours

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM
Sun: Closed

Dec 17: 10AM - 2PM
Dec 24: 10AM - 2PM

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM

Colombian Emeralds

Opening hours

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM
Sun: Closed

*Temporarily closed until Oct 26th

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM

Carolina Herrera

Opening hours

Temporarily Closed

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM

Dolce & Gabbana

Opening hours

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 6PM
Sun: Closed

May 9: 10AM - 2PM

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM